Entertainment Infographics

Here is a stunning infographic from the folks at the UK based website called Púca Printhouse that features illustrations of mythical creatures from throughout England on a map for you to enjoy. View this excellent design to see English mythical creatures including Bella Sheephead from Cumbria, Black Annis from Leicestershire,...

Here is a fascinating infographic produced by a website called Costume Craze that offers illustrations and descriptions of 45 different scary and disturbing mythical creatures from around the world. Take a look at this decent design to see mythical creatures from throughout history including Adze the vampire from Togo Ghana,...

Here is an intriguing infographic from the tailor-made holidays website called Pettitts Travel that features information about some of the most weird and wonderful dance styles from around the world to celebrate the fabulous performing art. View this quality design to learn about iconic dance styles including ballet from Italy,...

Here I have a good looking infographic from the people at HalloweenCostumes.com that features information about iconic witches that you shouldn't mess with from literature, movies and television shows. View interesting facts about iconic witches from pop culture including The Sanderson Sisters, The Wicked Witch of the West, The Witches...

Here is an excellent infographic from the voice over agency called Matinée Multilingual that will teach you who the voice actors are who play the characters in some of the most liked movies and TV shows. Learn about who played Ferb Fletcher in Phineas and Ferb, who played Mindy the...